For anyone that doesn't know the Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have 200 followers or less. There are a set of rules to abide by which are listed below.
1. Post about the Liebster award and thank the blogger who nominated you.
3. Answer 11 questions created by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Nominate 11 other bloggers with around 200 followers or less as the aim is to help people connect with more blogs (and get even more followers).
5. Write 11 new questions for your nominees.
My questions from Sharribee:
1. Why did you start blogging?
I want to share my photos and thinks with you :)
2. How often do you try and blog?
I try sometimes since now, but i want to blog more often.
3. What is your pet peeve?
I don't have one :(
4. What is your favourite thing to do with your free time?
Dancing :)
5. What is your biggest dream?
Move to London :) And be happy
6. What are you doing right now?
Writing libster tag
7. What is your favourite movie?
Seven pounds, The Shawshank Redemption
8. If you could tell your teenage self anything, what would it be?
I dont know :(
9. What is your favourite book?
10. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Since i was 5 ( no school )
I'll nominate following blogs. Do this tag if you want to :) Please let me know in the comment : a link to your tag ! <3 I'll be very grateful if you'll follow my blog. Certainly i'll check yours <3
My questions:
1) What's your favorite model?
2) Your best winter memory
3) When you'll start your winter break?
4) Favorite t-shirt ;)
5) Names of your best friends
6) For how long do you blog?
7) Do you prefer shopping online or real?
8) Favorite actor / actress and film they played :)
9) Do you dance? If yes, what is your favorite style?? ;)
Have a nice day ! :) - Zuzia
Congrats! Enjoyed reading your answers!